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XLSTAT tool for creating a contingency tableįrom two or more qualitative variables, XLSTAT enables you to create instantly contingency tables summarizing the structure of the dataset. The inertia of a set of points is the weighted mean of the squared distances to the center of gravity. Inertia is a measure inspired from physics that is often used in Correspondence Analysis, a method that is used to analyse in depth contingency tables. Is has asymptotically a Chi-square distribution with (m 1-1)(m 2-1) degrees of freedom. The Pearson chi-square statistic, which is the sum of the Chi-square distances, is used to test the independence between rows and columns. The Chi-square distance has been suggested to measure the distance between two categories.

The contingency table of the two variables is the table Z 1'Z 2 (where ‘ indicates matrix transpose). Each time the category c of variable V 1 occurs for an observation i , the value of Z 1(i,c) is set to one (the same rule is applied to the V 2 variable). The other values of Z 1 and Z 2 are zero. For each category of a variable there is a column in the respective disjunctive table. To create a contingency table from two qualitative variables V 1 and V 2 , the first transformation consists of recoding the two qualitative variables V 1 and V 2 as two disjunctive tables Z 1 and Z 2 or indicator (or dummy) variables. Where n(i,j) is the frequency of observations that show both characteristic i for variable V 1, and characteristic j for variable V 2.

A contingency table, also called cross-tab, is an efficient way to summarize the relation (or correspondence) between two categorical variables V 1 and V 2.